Friday, July 25, 2008

One of those days....

Yet another day...... where in my brain is bombarding me with questions, and my heart has no answers. I wander aimlessly, in search of the missing pieces of this enigma called life.
What is it that my heart craves for, what is it that my senses long for, what is it that's within me that is yearning to feel complete?
What is it that I want to do- get married? have kids? Or what is it that I am sceptical of doing- getting married? having kids?
It's been a while now, since these questions kept erupting within me, now and then, like dormant volcanoes, seemingly harmless, but who knows what lies beneath.
Now where is it that I can find answers for these- friend, mother, shrink?
Nowhere, except someday it should strike me like a bolt of lightning, maybe that will be my enlightenment.
But... what if it's too late?
The fear of dying with my dreams unrealized, sends shivers down my spine. What if I fail to realize what I want. As the last breath in me waits to get out, deep within, my core would feel incomplete, for a life not lived, for the dreams that remain unfulfilled, for the energy that is wasted, for the time that is lost....

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