Thursday, August 02, 2007

The world that ought to be....

Have you ever thought about-
a world filled with happy souls, all floating around, like free birds in the bosom of mother earth, where everyone smiles at the other, no hard feelings, no jealousy, no competition for power, no greed for money; a world where each of us had what we required for a simple and sweet life, all in equal amounts for every purified soul.
a world where animals hopped around in joy, no fear of being slaughtered or separated from the mother; where cows were milked as a means of luv, not to make money; where hens laid eggs in their own natural way; where there's no artificial insemination, or hormones.

where the air remained pure, and calm
where luv sustained in it's natural form.

Well- if there was a perfect world, we wouldn't know what pain is
But, did we really have to know what pain is?
In a world where each one is happy, is there a need for pain?

If you haven't thought about it so far, do take a few moments to sit back and introspect, what's your role as a thoughtful human being, towards other humans, towards animals.
Maybe you will discover things about yourself that were long hidden deep inside you.
Try to touch the deep core of you that has probably been lying dormant for ages. You will be amazed to know what you would find!
