Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Don't fight, if u did, end it.....

Life is too short to spend moments away from your loved ones. If you had a fight with someone you love, do not let your ego stop you from extending your hand. Remember- that he/ she wants to reach out too, but the ego is stopping him/ her, from doing so. Go ahead- extend your hand, and you will see that everything is so full of love and joy. Moments that would have been spent in sorrow, turn into moments of total bliss, that's what it is when you are with someone whom you love, isn't it? Spend more moments in peace, than in arguments.
Remember- life is too short, loved ones are too sweet, and love is Divine.

Don't let the moments pass by, just like that. Make them special, they will bring lot more joy when you walk down memory lane.

1 comment:

devanand said...

good one..