Friday, April 03, 2009

You let go of the past.... is the past ready to let go of you?

The past is gone, tomorrow is unknown, today is what we have in our hands, that's what the wise tell us. Yes, you are ready to let go, but is your past ready to let go of you? Doesn't it keep bumping into you like an unwanted visitor, in the form of a friend, a neighbor, or even a loved one?

Your past is like the unwanted trailer that keeps playing on your tv, and it's too late before you can flip the channel. It has already done it's part, the memories have come back, the damage is done. How can you hide before you are even given a chance to run? And as time goes by, it's not so much the past that hurts, it's the way it disguises itself, to run into your present.

So how do you deal with it? Fight it, ignore it, run away from it? There's no one right way to deal with, is it?


Karthi! said...

If it is a bad memory.. try to avoid it as much as u can.. but u see u always have the bad days..
if it is a good one.. well.. cherish!!

Anonymous said...

you cannot avoid thinking about past ..make peace with it.. ACCEPT it as your past good or bad. We have to accept it and move on. I know lecturing is easy but believe me it does helps a lot, as a person who is going through similar issues, I can assure you accepting does helps.